Royal Commission into Aged Care: update
Friday, 27 March 2020
The Royal Commission into Aged Care inquiry for Australian residential and home care services began in January 2019 and will continue until April 2020. The Commission has provided an opportunity to get to the real heart of the issues facing those living with a wound in aged care services by hearing from those who live with a wound and their families as well as health care providers. Since the commencement of the hearings, it has been heard that wound management within aged care is an area that requires action to improve current practices.

A working group headed by board members, Dr Katy Melrose, Mrs Hayley Ryan and former Wounds Australia Chair A/Professor Geoff Sussman was established to provide a submission to the Commission. 

Following its submission, Wounds Australia was invited to share its feedback in person, with Wounds Australia representatives attending the Commission’s hearings on 11 July 2019. Wounds Australia provided evidence to the Commissioners on several topics including wound care statistics, the causes of wounds, prevention of wounds, the use of appropriate wound dressings, substandard wound care and recommendations to improve wound management within aged care. The Commissioners were very engaged in their responses and advised that the Wounds Australia message was clear and succinct.

Wounds Australia would like to thank Andrea Minnis, Jan Rice, Jonnine Boreham, Lusi Jiang, Monika Samolyk and Rebecca Iseli who contributed to Wounds Australia’s submission to the Commission.

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