EOIs invited for Wound Awareness Campaign advisory groups
Thursday, 18 July 2024
As part of the delivery of a national consumer awareness campaign, Wounds Australia is forming two advisory groups:
  • the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG)
  • the Clinical Expert Advisory Panel (CEAP) 
Members of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) will take a key role in shaping a national campaign to raise awareness of wounds, their risks and treatments, and the care needed for chronic wounds. People living with chronic wounds, and people caring for people who live with chronic wounds, are invited to apply. People living with other chronic conditions and carers of older adults are particularly encouraged to apply. 

People from First Nations and CALD communities are encouraged to express interest in joining. By participating, you will have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of all Australians. 

Applications for the CAG are open until midnight AEST on 21 August 2024. Scroll down for further information and links to apply. Questions, enquiries and requests for the Terms of Reference of either group can be directed to the Wound Awareness Campaign Project Officer at clare.callow@woundsaustralia.org

Applications for the CEAP are now closed.

Consumer Advisory Group (CAG)

The Consumer Advisory Group will support the creation of content for the Wound Awareness campaign. Members will provide advice, guidance, and recommendations which will inform essential areas of the campaign.  

As a member of the Group, you will be asked to help identify ways to communicate with different communities in Australia, recommend themes for wound awareness, review content, and promote the campaign within your own circles. You may also be asked to represent Wounds Australia and the campaign in the media or at events.

Members are required to attend quarterly online meetings and may be given an honorarium for their time. Group members will be appointed for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four.

Apply to be part of this group by filling out an Expression of Interest Form


Information on the Clinical Expert Advisory Panel (CEAP) 

 The Clinical Expert Advisory Panel will provide clear, industry-recognised clinical advice to the awareness campaign. Members will aid in identifying themes and training gaps for wound awareness. 

 The Panel will be responsible for clinically reviewing relevant communications to ensure accuracy, participating in Working Groups where needed, and attending quarterly meetings. Members may also be asked to represent Wounds Australia as either individuals or as a group when requested by the Wounds Australia Board or CEO in matters of relevance and as resources permit. 

Members of the Panel are required to be Wounds Australia members. If you are not already a member, you will be required to subscribe before taking your position on the Panel. 

 Panel members will be appointed for a minimum of two years and a maximum of six. 

 Applications for the Panel are now closed.