Catch up on the member update: Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme awareness campaign
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Thanks to everyone who joined our Wounds Australia member update today to learn more about the consumer awareness campaign we’re running with funding under the Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme.

If you weren’t able to join us, you’ll find a link to the recording in the member’s area of the website (requires login).


CEO Jeff Antcliff shared some background on how the grant came about, through many years of advocacy by Wounds Australia and its members that culminated in a formal government outreach campaign in 2021-2022. 

The Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme is an initiative that will assist certain people – diabetics over 65 years and Indigenous diabetics over 50 years – with the cost of consumables necessary to treating their chronic wounds. The Federal Budget 2023-24 set aside an initial $47.8m for the scheme, which looks likely to come into operation in 2025. Read our story.

Two grant opportunities arose from this announcement: $2m to run a four-year wound awareness campaign targeting consumers, which was awarded to Wounds Australia; and a $1.073m grant to fund wound care scholarships that was won by the Australian College of Nursing. Read the announcement.

The grant Wounds Australia has received will fund a multi-year awareness campaign targeting all consumers with high quality, evidence-based knowledge and resources designed to:
  • Prevent wounds from becoming chronic
  • Drive them to sources of reliable and expert assistance in the community
  • Reduce the incidence of chronic wounds in Australia, minimising harm and relieving pressure on our health and aged care systems.
The campaign will include resources such as factsheets, videos and online training. A Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) made up of people with lived experience of wound care and a Clinician Expert Advisory Group (CEAP) will be formed to guide content creation and communication, ensuring that resources and messaging are appropriate, accurate and timely. Both groups will operate on a voluntary basis.

Keen to get involved? 

Wounds Australia members are invited to apply to join the CEAP and to work with the Communications team on submitting names for the CAG. Details are being finalised at the time of writing so please watch our member newsletter, The Gauzette, for details. Sign up.