Welcome to The Gauzette. In this week's edition: - New professional learning from Coloplast
- Wounds Australia Life Membership nominations open
- WPR Journal June issue published
- Fully-funded Undergraduate Certificate of Mental Health places at Monash University
- Venous Leg Ulcer Guideline update: your feedback requested
- And much more!
Thanks for your support of Wounds Australia and our collective mission to minimise the harm caused by chronic wounds. The Wounds Australia
Team |
Thanks to Wounds Australia Gold Partner Coloplast for this exciting professional learning opportunity in which expert presenter Donna Larsen (née Angel) will:
- discuss how to assess, plan, treat, monitor and refer common lower limb wounds
- highlight red flags indicating atypical wounds to ensure appropriate treatment and, where necessary, timely referral
- provide access to the Wound Type Specific Pathways for VLU and DFU to support your learning and translation to practice.
All this, completely free! Thanks to Coloplast for sharing this event. |
Life Membership Award nominations open |
Nominations for the Wounds Australia Life Membership Award are now open. Many Wounds Australia members have made outstanding contributions to the organisation and to the wound care world over the years, and Life Membership recognises such excellence. We encourage you to explore the
nomination process before submissions close on 12 August. Please note that a minor change has been made to the name of this award to more accurately reflect membership status as identified in the Wounds Australia Constitution.
New issue of WPR Journal released |
New issue of WPR Journal June's Wound Practice and Research (WPR) Journal is online now – and it's a bumper edition! Our congratulations and thanks go to editors Peta Tehan and Zlatko Kopecki, and all the wonderful clinicians and researchers published. Consider submitting your own work: - No article processing fees
- Online and open access
- The official Wounds Australia journal
In the June edition:
- Vale Pam Morey by Keryln Carville
- An integrative review of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) and wound healing
- Topical phenytoin for wound healing: a narrative review
Assessment, management and prevention of acute wounds in the Australian context: a scoping review
- The effects of a combined occupational therapy and nursing preventative approach to reduce hospital-acquired pressure injuries in an acute inpatient hospital setting: a case control study
- The effectiveness of a silicone tape intervention in reducing N95 mask-related pressure injuries for healthcare professionals in an inpatient hospice setting
Electrical stimulation therapy for wound-related pain: a WHAM evidence summary.
VLUG update: call for feedback |
The Venous Leg Ulcer Guideline Committee seeks your insights on the Assessment chapter of the updated guideline. If you're interested in leg ulcers, you are invited to submit your feedback on this chapter via the button below before 23 June 2024.
The Committee is seeking input from a wide range of stakeholders – clinicians, educators, researchers, and patients
and carers, and especially Indigenous peoples – so please share the link in your networks.
Applications are open for fully-funded Commonwealth Supported Places on Monash University's
Undergraduate Certificate of Mental Health. This short online course has been specially designed for care professionals keen to extend their mental health skills and knowledge in a flexible way. A limited number of funded places are available and applications close on 15 July. |
LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE NSW: ABC of Leg WoundsJoin us for a vascular-focused look at lower limb wound management with Dr Jessica Barklimore (Vascular Registrar, Central Coast LHD), Sim Galimam (Senior Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist,
Gosford & Wyong Hospitals) & our NSW Committee.
- Tues 25 June, 6–9pm
- Wyong Rugby League Club
- Members: $29
- Non-members: $59
- Students: FREE (conditions apply)
Qld: Winter Wellbeing & Wounds A full day on the impact of the winter
chill on wound healing and skin integrity, including updates on the latest research on winter, temperature and wounds, and hands-on workshops on managing infection, incontinence-associated dermatitis and compression therapy.
- Thurs 13 July, 9am–4pm
- QUT School of Nursing
- Members: $99
- Non-members: $199
- Students: $59 (conditions apply)
- Livestream (limited sessions): $49 (members only)
ACT: Understanding & Managing Chronic Lower Limb Oedema Learn about causes, diagnosis and management strategies for chronic lower limb oedema & more, with Caitlin Aspden (Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, North Canberra Hospital) and Dr Elizabeth Webb PhD (Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, ANU).
- Thurs 25 July, 6–8pm
- Hellenic Club, Phillip
- Members: $29
- Non-members: $59
- Students: $10
Registrations open soon... |
WA: Pressure Injuries- 27 July, 9am-4pm
- In-person and livestreamed
- More details coming soon
Vic: Wound Care Study Day- 11 Sept, 9am-4pm
- More details coming soon
DEBRA AUSTRALIA Health Professionals Symposium 2024 | 2 August, Brisbane, Qld | Explore |
PHARMACY WA Forum Destination WA | 8-9 August, Perth, WA | Explore |
WOUNDS AUSTRALIA 2024 Conference Champions of Change: Wounds Australia – 30 Years of Action | 14–16 October, Gold Coast, Qld | Explore |
AWTRS/MBSANZ 2024 Conference | 28–31 October, Fremantle, WA | Explore |
Final days to save and win! |
Join or renew your Wounds Australia membership before 30 June 2024 to be automatically entered into the draw to win a Conference registration – main program and Gala Dinner – worth more than $1000! The winner will be announced in The Gauzette in July. Call us to take advantage of our EOFY waived administration fee ($30) offer: 1800 870855.
Now available: NPIAP PI Training Modules, complimentary modules aligned with the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcer/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline, ensuring reliability and success in patient outcomes. More. |
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