Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme: Consumer Awareness Campaign 

Purpose: To educate consumers and raise their awareness of the wound basics: warning signs, risk factors, sources of expert advice, and more.
Timeline: 2024-2027.


The Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme (CWCS) was announced in the Federal Budget 2023-24. It aims to help specific cohorts with the cost of wound consumables such as dressings. Read more in our news centre.

As part of the CWCS, the Department of Health and Aged Care awarded $2m to Wounds Australia to plan and administer a communications campaign that would raise consumer awareness of chronic wounds, thereby improving healing rates, minimising harm and relieving the pressure on Australia's health system. Read the announcement.

On 29 May 2024, Wounds Australia CEO Jeff Antcliff held a live webinar for our members to share more details about the awareness campaign: timelines, inclusions and how you can get involved.


Wounds Australia Member Update

On 29 May 2024, Wounds Australia CEO Jeff Antcliff held a live webinar for our members to share more details about the awareness campaign: timelines, inclusions and how you can get involved. 


Stay tuned for more updates.

We will share regular updates in our member newsletter, The Gauzette, as the campaign progresses. 

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