Join Wounds Australia.
Become a member in just four simple steps! Start by selecting the membership type that applies to you.

$110 per year (including GST)
For any individual:
- With recognised Medical, Nursing, Allied Health or Scientific qualifications involved with or interested in wound management
- Who does not meet eligibility criteria for other membership types.

$85 per year (including GST)
For anyone who meets one of these criteria:
- Is retired
- Is not actively working in wound management
- Does not have recognised medical, nursing, allied health or scientific qualifications
- Has any role or business involved with the manufacture, direct wholesale, sale and/or distribution of any product used in wound prevention or management.

$55 per year (including GST)
A more affordable option for:
- Full-time students
- Who can demonstrate current enrolment in an entry level course that will qualify them to work in healthcare
- Who do not qualify for any other level of membership

$90 per year (including GST)
For any individual who is a Priceline Pharmacy staff member.
Member benefits.
Exclusive content
- Livestream events from the comfort of home
- Stay up-to-date on wounds-related news and knowledge through our journal (online plus a members-only hard copy every quarter), online magazine, news centre and newsletters
- Access our extensive video library on-demand
- Network with other professionals at Wounds Australia events
- Sign up for our Committees and Working Groups*
- Join your peers in Wound Awareness Week activities
Shape the future of wound care
- Apply for valuable Grants
- Contribute to Wounds Australia's submissions to policymakers
- Support our advocacy campaigns and petitions
- Guide the direction of Wounds Australia by voting at our Annual General Meeting*
Professional recognition
- Get credentialed through the Wounds Australia Credentialing Program - CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW
- Publish your work in our journal, online magazine and news centre
- Enjoy big discounts on Wounds Australia events
- Save on guidelines and other publications purchased through the Wounds Australia store
- Purchase Wounds Australia merchandise at reduced prices
Enhance your CV by volunteering
- Sign up for our Committees and Working Groups*
- Explore leadership opportunities
* Full members only
One-time joining fee.
All new and lapsed memberships will incur a fee of $30 AUD to establish a new member profile or reactivate an existing one.