Wounds Australia events.
We offer a range of high-quality, evidence-based wound care education. From practical professional learning events that will help you improve your skills to high-profile conferences that feature world-class speakers, we have the option to meet your needs.
Certificates of attendance that can be used in applications for recognition of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are issued after each event, and hours are indicated in each event listing.
Our events are open to all healthcare professionals, but members receive a generous discount. Not yet a member?
Supporting students.

As part of Wounds Australia's support of emerging professionals, full-time healthcare students now attend many of our events at a heavily discounted rate, as indicated in the event descriptions. These conditions apply:
- Offer extends to in-person attendance only, not livestreams
- Student ID must be shown at the event registration desk
Plus, we have a discounted student membership rate. Become a member today!
Events Calendar

Wounds Education and Training Directory
Wounds Australia is a proud partner of AHRA, HTQ and Monash Partners in the Wounds Education and Training Directory, a comprehensive searchable directory of wounds education and training.